Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Nuffield Bursary Award

Ewa Karczewska has been awarded a Nuffield Foundation Undergraduate Research Bursary to work in the UCL Optical Tweezers Group this summer. This scheme allows UK undergraduates to gain research experience by providing funding for up to eight weeks to complete a research project during the summer vacation. We have hosted three previous Nuffield Foundation Bursary students: Muddassar Rashid (2008) who worked on synthesis and properties of polarisation vortex beams, Alex Dunning (2009) who performed calculations on the properties of optical nanofibres and is now studying for a PhD at Southampton University, and Radhika Patel (2010) who worked on photonic force microscopy experiments and is taking her final exams this year.

Friday, 1 April 2011

Optical Trapping Applications

Next week Phil, Susan and Marios will all be attending the OSA Optical Trapping Applications conference in Monterey, CA.  Phil will be giving a talk about our work on trapping with novel beams, and Susan and Marios will be presenting posters on their research projects.