Friday, 25 June 2010

Nuffield Foundation Research Bursary

Radhika Patel is joining the UCL Optical Tweezers Group this summer with a Nuffield Foundation Undergraduate Research Bursary. This scheme allows UK undergraduates to gain research experience by providing funding for up to eight weeks to complete a research project during the summer vacation. We have hosted two previous Nuffield Foundation students: Muddassar Rashid (2008) who contributed to two publications on the properties of polarisation vortex beams as a result of his project, and Alex Dunning (2009) who performed calculations on the properties of optical nanofibres and will be starting a PhD at Southampton University in October.

Radhika was a pupil at Haberdashers' Aske's School for Girls in Elstree and has just completed the third year of an MSci degree in Physics at UCL. She will be working on a project titled 'Photonic Force Microscopy' which aims to use optically trapped particles for sensitive force measurements and imaging.  We will be reporting on her progress on this blog.

Monday, 21 June 2010

Exam congratulations

Congratulations to our MSci project students Soliman Edris, Caroline Harfield and Shazia Khan on their exam results.

Shazia is thinking of changing subject and studying for an MSc in Economics next year, while Soliman is taking time off to visit family in Egypt. Caroline will be returning to UCL to study for a PhD in the Mechanical Engineering Department supervised by Dr Eleanor Stride. She will be working on modelling of acoustic and optical trapping of microbubbles as part of the NPL / UCL microbubbles as microsensors project.

We still have MSci projects available for next year (2010-11). See or
contact Dr Phil Jones for more details.

Friday, 18 June 2010

Bubble Ultrasound Group Meeting

The next Bubble Ultrasound Group meeting is being held at Imperial College on Friday 18 June. This is a regular series of meetings that brings together researchers working in microbubble technology and usually consists of a number of short talks on current research with time for discussion on future directions. The programme for the 18 June meeting is:

2:00 Welcome & Introduction
2:15 Anna Tokarczyk (ICR, Sutton)
2:40 Helen Mulvana (Imperial)
3:05 Jean-Pierre O'Brien (UCL)
3:30 Eleanor Stride (UCL)